Screening for Plagiarism

Writers, students, lecturers, or professionals commit plagiarism when they present, without proper acknowledgment, all or part of another person’s work as if it were their own. Because plagiarism violates the expectations of trust and honesty necessary for academic work in an ethical community, it is a serious offense. In addition, plagiarism undercuts the basic purposes of higher education by short-circuiting the processes of inquiry, reflection, and communication that lead to learning.

Plagiarism can take several forms, including but not limited to:

  • Using the exact words of another writer in part of a paper without both citation and quotation marks (or block indentation in the case of longer quotations)
  • Cutting and pasting material from the Internet or other electronic resources without proper citation of sources
  • Including the paraphrased or summarized idea of another writer without acknowledging its source
  • Accepting excessive assistance from another person in writing a paper without informing readers of the nature and extent of that collaboration
  • Submitting for credit a complete paper or portion of a paper written by another person, no matter whether the paper was purchased, shared freely, stolen, found, or acquired by other means
  • Submitting music, drawings, paintings, sculptures, or photographs that copy or rely closely on the work of other artists, without explicitly citing the original source
  • Writing a computer program that is the same or closely similar to existing sources
  • Accepting credit for a project, multimedia presentation, poster, or other assignments that draw dishonestly on the work of others

BEMI takes academic integrity very seriously, and the editors reserve the right to withdraw acceptance from a paper found to violate any of the standards set out above. For further information, potential authors can contact the editorial office at

The editors will run a plagiarism check using Turnitin for the submitted manuscripts before sending them to reviewers, but an author should check it too before submitting. We do not process any plagiarised content. If a manuscript has over 20% plagiarism based on the result of the Turnitin check, we will send back the manuscript to the author to be revised for the plagiarised contents.